Samstag, 27. Juli 2024
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Advancing Geriatric Medicine in a Modern World

14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS)

14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS)
© eyetronic /
  • 10. - 12. Oktober 2018 / Berlin, Deutschland


During the next decade geriatric medicine will further develop its profile by incorporating innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. This year`s congress will have a special focus on these developments which are driven to a significant degree by technological and pharmaceutical innovations. The congress will reflect the diversity of this speciality in all its facets, and will offer new ideas and insights for clinicians working with older patients in any continent of the world.


  • Acute care
  • Biogerontology and genetics
  • Cognition and dementia
  • Comorbidity and multimorbidity
  • Comprehensive geriatric assessment
  • Delirium
  • Ethics and end of life care
  • Frailty and sarcopenia
  • Geriatric education
  • Geriatric rehabilitation
  • Geriatrics in organ disease
  • Longevity and prevention
  • Metabolism and nutrition
  • Oral and dental health
  • Organisation of care and gerotechnology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pre and post operative care
  • Psychiatric symptoms and illnesses
  • Urology and continence management
  • Vaccines and Immunisation
Congress venue:
bcc Berlin Congress Center
Alexanderstraße 11
10178 Berlin

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"14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS)"

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