Samstag, 27. Juli 2024
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28. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Virologie

28. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Virologie
© mojolo /
  • 14. - 17. März 2018 / Würzburg, Deutschland


This meeting covers a broad spectrum of topics in virology including workshops and poster sessions. A major aim of the meeting is to provide a platform for young scientist to present their work and ideas. Therefore, particularly young researchers are invited to join the meeting and all senior virologists are encouraged to promote their mentees´ attendance.

The deadline for the abstract submission is 01 January 2018!

Results from research and practice on the following main topics can be submitted:

  • Adaptive Immunity
  • Antiviral Therapy and Resistance
  • Clinical Virology
  • Diagnostic Methods and Tools
  • Emerging Viruses and Zoonosis
  • Epidemiology and Public Health
  • Evolution of Viruses – Viruses in Evolution
  • Host Cell Factors and Viral Modulation
  • Imaging
  • Innate Immunity
  • Intracellular Transport and Trafficking
  • Novel Experimental Systems and Tools in Virology
  • Next-/Third Generation Sequencing
  • Point of Care Systems in Virology Diagnostics
  • Structure, Assembly and Egress
  • Vaccines
  • Viral Pathogenesis and Persistence
  • Viral Replication Strategies
  • Viral Vectors and Gene Therapy
  • Viral Transformation and Oncogenesis
  • Virus Receptors and Entry

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"28. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Virologie"

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