Samstag, 27. Juli 2024
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5th Munich International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology

5th Munich International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology
© fleischipixel /
  • 25. - 29. Juli 2017 / München, Deutschland


ISA 2017 will once again present a unique and exciting platform where different cultures with a variety of approaches to skin diseases, varying access to and availability of treatment protocols, products and equipment will meet, learn and exchange. Emphasis is placed on the practical treatment of skin diseases, important in daily practice. The entire spectrum of practical dermatology will be addressed including paediatric dermatology, infectious diseases, dermatosurgery, geriatric dermatology, aesthetic dermatology, laser treatment, leg ulcers and wound healing, dermatopathology, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, photodynamic therapy, fillers and botulinumtoxin, trichology.

Following on from a successful meeting in 2015 with over 900 participants from 81 countries, ISA 2017 will continue to focus on the entire spectrum of practical dermatology, featuring a leading international faculty.

ISA 2017 offers a unique platform for participants from different cultures with a variety of approaches to skin diseases, varying access to and availability of treatment options to build relationships, learn and exchange.

Important dates:
December 2016: Online Registration opens
1 February 2017: Submission Grant Applications opens
31 March 2017: Final Deadline Grant Applications
30 April 2017: Early Bird Registration Deadline

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